Intermittent soakers of the present, in combination with previous summer heat spikes, appear to have primed Portland's trees, understory, and stand-alone shrubs for great display of autumn leaf change. Each next one I see is my new favorite. It's tough deciding between the scarlet Tupelos, Sunset Maples, the various Japanese Maples, golden Elms, Gingkos and more. At home in the garden, away from these fantastic trees, we've been experiencing some noteworthy change as well. Our little Jersey blueberry (still a youth) turned a shocking, beautiful red. And our Fothergilla, oh the Fothergilla, a warm sort of orangey-yellow I could look at all day. On our own small scale, we're building the patchwork of colors fondly remembered from North Carolina autumns of childhood. As youths, my siblings and I climbed Hanging Rock as a family to view them. Here in Portland, we'll be putting out our arborist ladder and leaning it on the garage for us and our visitors to get our bird's-eye view. Until I've got those pictures, here are a few from the ground.